Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Most people who know me or have been around me during the holiday season know that this movie is one of my all time favorite christmas movies, along with this one...
I have been known to watch both of these every night for the entire month of December, call me crazy but it helps keep me in the spirit. Now why am I writing about Christmas in the middle of August? Good question, here is my ipod. Not what you expected, right? I leave my ipod on shuffle while I am at work because it is so quiet in my office, well the past two days my ipod has played the main song from How The Grinch Stole Christmas, "Where Are You Christmas?" by Faith Hill and both times I heard it I got a little tingle of excitement for all things Christmas. The older I get the more I appreciate the little things about Christmas and my focus on the gifts I want lessens every year. I just love the traditions my family has created. Christmas Eve is better than Christmas Day and Christmas breakfast is always better than Christmas dinner. Decorating the house and tree has always been a favorite of mine but I am loving it more and more every year, especially now that I am too old to receive the traditional Christmas ornament from my grandparents. I really hope they continue that tradition with my soon to be born nephew, it has always been one of those little things that made me feel like our family was unique and special. Speaking of nephews, I think I am more anxious/excited for this year's holiday season due to the new addition we are expecting, nothing is better than a baby at Christmas(though I am sure my bank account will not agree). I know I have a while to wait but I am still excited.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ive had my say

First of all, no one is arguing he should win because he is dead, he should win because his performance was worthy of an award. I can see where it is kind of silly to give a dead person an award...BUT I feel that where credit is due, it should be given and I am sorry a DOUCHE BAG like Dane Cook could never even come close to the amazing performance Heath Ledger gave. I think people(yourself included) just don't want to admit that Heath beat Jack out of the water and played the Joker as the character should be played, or that his death really is a great loss for Hollywood. AND ONE MORE THING, I just want you to stop and think about his very young daughter who will know him as well as you do because she will only ever have his movies just like his fans, just stop and consider how much it will mean to people like her and his family to know their son and father got the recognition he deserved.

This was my argument to a girl who said Dane Cook could have done a better job than heath ledger and that he didnt deserve to win just because he was dead.

In lighter news...
I had very pretty but droppy sunflowers delivered to me at work today from my parents, just cause they love me and are proud of me, I am spoiled.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I will huff and puff and blow your house down!

I used to be very afraid of storms when I was little, now I get excited. This city can be dry and hot and cruel during the summer months so I always welcome any change to that. I am sitting at my desk at work watching the wind, rain and lightning from my desk with fingers crossed that it doesn't fizzle out in ten minutes like it keeps trying to do.

One of my best summer memories from growing up is running around in the streets during a rain storm until me and my two best friends were soaked through our clothes and our stomachs hurt from laughing.

Even when storms are loud and scary, kind of like the one I am watching, they are still beautiful to me because they are still foreign to me.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

"I don't want a daddy!"

Let me start by saying I have wasted entirely too much time on these books and after the movie comes out I will do my best to return to life as it was pre-Twilight saga.

Now here is my personal review of the book:
COMPLETE AND TOTAL DISSAPPOINTMENT! I don't know the last time a piece of fiction brought me more discomfort. This book was not the Dark Knight of my summer, it lived up to none of the hype and in the end left me feeling silly for being so excited. I truly feel like Stephanie Meyer just tried to please her fans, and I commend her for her attempts but if she would have just stuck with the original formula this book would have ended up being the appropriate and well deserved end to a much loved saga. It was none of that.(How appropriate that Muse is playing on my shuffle as I type this, do you think they even read this crap?) I have read all three books in this saga, and anticipated the last book. After reading it I want to kick myself. I feel like it was almost written by someone else, and technically it was. Stephanie Meyer was a stay-at-home, Mormon mom when she wrote the first books but now she is a Best Selling Author, and is about to have a movie made out of one of her books as well, I don't know how that couldn't change a person. I am not saying fame got to her head, more just suggesting that the vision she initially had for these entire story got a little twisted or lost in the midst of all her new found popularity. I am not going to post any spoilers in here, but know that this was not the book I was hoping for.

Friday, August 1, 2008

we will wage war

We voted and decided a keywork tattoo would be a great idea!