I have a lot of pictures to show you and things to tell you but right now I have heavy boots and I feel like complaining a little, do you mind?
Lately I have been dreaming, thinking, feeling very very nostalgic. I keep having dreams about Lovey, I know this partially because he is coming home soon but mostly because I feel guilty that I still haven't cleared the air. I have letters sitting in my binder, waiting to be put in envelopes and sent out but I just cant find the time (or guts). And I've been missing the main man again, still a little tender in that department. I handled him being away so well up until his recent visit and now I miss him more and more. I miss the brother and sister type banter and all the jokes. It is also November and S.A.D. is starting to set in if you couldn't already tell. Things are good, better than good but sometimes I miss people and I am reminded of that at random times.
But like I said, things are better than good. Me and Michael are doing very well, work is going better. Life is swell and it's almost Christmas. I need to stop complaining, right?
12 years ago