After atleast 7 or 8 years or pure and true loyalty to Livejournal, I am passing down the torch to some other emotional and broken hearted girl to write in until she turns 21 and finally turned to blogging like the rest of the adult world (And really, I am just copying Bridget). This has been a very busy week, lots of sad endings followed by exciting beginnings. I left White House|Black Market after sticking with them for almost a year and a half. I finished out my last weekend with them and went straight on into my 1 week for Sting Surveillance. I went from working 18 hours a week, 6 hour hectic days to 40 hours and very calm/slow/boring 8 hour days. I answer phones, mail paychecks, fax invoices and surf the internetz all day. I am happy and excited to learn more about the company and be given more responsibility.
This weekend I ventured up to Mammoth Creek, UT with family friends Rusty and Mitza. I got us lost and almost lost my cool but once we found the cabin and my parents I was a happy camper, literally. Mom made her enchiladas and margeritas for dinner and after my belly was full I was asleep as soon as I laid on the couch. Saturday we sat on the porch, ate, read and napped. We drove home today and I indulged in the new Batman movie for the second time, I really couldn't help myself. I took some really good pictures up at the cabin, enjoy...

roofus and his new shoes

our location

creek flowers


i wish i may, i wish i might
