Friday, February 27, 2009
How you say?
my sister: I got this shirt on sale for $10
me:SHUT YOUR MOUTH! It's so cute, I hate you now
2."I'm over it!"
me: I hate trying to find something to wear. I am over it!
Nana: Tom Gabel is such a babe
4."Say WHAAAT"
Nana:I am eating meat right now
me: Say WHAAT?!
Nana: Just keeding. HAHAHAHAH
5."I love you"
me:Michael, I love you
me:I love you Mama
me:Fat burger, oh how I love you
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Michael Pitt vs. Michael Wild
But keeping with lists, yes I giving that another shot. If I didn't have a Michael of my own, this is my list of celeb crushes. Enjoy!
1.Michael Pitt
He is intense, has big juicy lips and is kind of always a mess. He is also a very talented actor, always plays a cray-cray.
2.Jake Gyllenhaal
He has dimps(!!), huge blue eyes, beautiful smile and can tear up the screen. Loved him in Jarhead, looooved him. (bonus points for finding a picture with my main man, R.I.P yo)
3.Mathias Nygard a.k.a. Warlord Nygard. Now before we all get salty please note that underneath all that red makeup and fur is a tall, longhaired, crystal blue eyed B-A-B-E. Blame this one on Michael, he insisted on playing the Turisas dvd around me.

4. Justin Timberlake
BO-RING typical crush, right? Wrong! Homeboy can dress, dance and sing! And have you ever seen him on SN
5.Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Dimples, big smile, nice eyes and a banging body. I'll take it to go please.
But like I said, I have a Michael of my very own and really would prefer only his tongue down my throat plus Wild is so much cooler than Pitt :)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Black and Gold
So I saw this cd about 2 weeks before Valentines day but I didnt buy it and when I came across a blog talking about how much they enjoyed it I did what anyone would do, kicked myself and called my boyfriend. Now, I simply asked Michael to see if he could find this cd on itunes and if so let me know so I could purchase it. So imagine my suprise when he showed at my work with the cd! I was so happy and excited. I cannot wait to play it in his car tonight while we are out and about trying to find him new shoes and exchange his shirt.
makes me smile...
1.Fattie Lubber De Bubbers Baldy Ollie
2.My new comforter
3.Hearing a good song on the radio
4.Cooking good food
5.Free make up
6.My family
7.Iced Tea
8.Sawyer Alan Beals
9.HBO movies
12.Pretty days
13.Heath Ledger winning an oscar posthumous
14.Really beautiful vintaeg clothing (thanks Michaels mom)
15.Kristin Whig
16.When Gail describes everything as FANTASTIC
17.My Dark Knight graphic novel collection
18.Nana Faye Jensen
19.Talking to Ryan about life overseas
20.All the jokes about me being a fattie
21.When Michael thinks something is really funny and he does his tornado laugh
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
In other news, this weekend was very fun. I am a big fan of rolling VIP in clubs, really and truly. I think my last drinking weekend for a while was a great success. I love my friends.
Did you see my boy win last night? Made my heart happy.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
With this ring...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sister Lunn
I just read through all the letters she has posted on her mission site. I miss her. We went through so may ups and downs and had a million adventures. I wish I would have spent more time with her before she left. She is still the same, I don't know why I expect missions to change people. Lovey is the same, she is too. Her letters are funny. I am going to send her a package this week, she deserves it.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
my heart has been on the verge of exploding with love for everything, and then there are moments when i call Michael and say things like, "I hate the world today, I just hate it". I am such a mixed up little girl. Tomorrow is friday and then saturday is VALENTINES DAY! I love Valentines Day, I always have. I know some people think it is all hype and silly but I enjoy it, I don't see anything wrong with designating a day for love. Am I just a hopeless romantic? I finished Michael's present last night and am currently stressing over what to wear on our date. I called him and told him I was probably gonna VETO the idea of a dress because I secretly want to be Courtney Love and always have bruises all over my legs. I currently have a gnarly bruise just below my knee and a few others either coming in or fading away, I don't keep track. He was not happy to hear this and said the following, (this is funnier if you've heard his voice) "Why don't you wear those...stockings that are so fashionable right now?", i laughed and sighed and fell even more "head over heels" in love with this goofy sweet man o' mine. feel free to puke now, thanks for holding it in till the end.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Can I cry on your shoulder?

I am sad, very heavy boots today. I just put on my "bad day, bad day, bad day" playlist. Zach left today, we didn't really say goodbye which I think is better. He posted a bulletin on da-space that left me in tears at my desk. I have avoided dealing with the fact that he was leaving and being a douchebag about the whole process but I can't be angry anymore, Zach is an stoic creature and I have to love and respect him for it. I wish we would have sat down and had a sober conversation about this whole thing but that was never really our style. I miss him already, I wish Vegas was the place for him but I have to support him in whatever decision he makes. I am going to miss him a lot, a lot more than I think anyone expected. He was one of my best friends and my weekends will not feel the same for a long time.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Day The Music Died
A long, long time ago...
I can still remember
How that music used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And, maybe, theyd be happy for a while.
But february made me shiver
With every paper Id deliver.
Bad news on the doorstep;
I couldnt take one more step.
I cant remember if I cried
When I read about his widowed bride,
But something touched me deep inside
The day the music died.
So bye-bye, miss american pie.
Drove my chevy to the levee,
But the levee was dry.
And them good old boys were drinkin whiskey and rye
Singin, thisll be the day that I die.
This'll be the day that I die.