my heart has been on the verge of exploding with love for everything, and then there are moments when i call Michael and say things like, "I hate the world today, I just hate it". I am such a mixed up little girl. Tomorrow is friday and then saturday is VALENTINES DAY! I love Valentines Day, I always have. I know some people think it is all hype and silly but I enjoy it, I don't see anything wrong with designating a day for love. Am I just a hopeless romantic? I finished Michael's present last night and am currently stressing over what to wear on our date. I called him and told him I was probably gonna VETO the idea of a dress because I secretly want to be Courtney Love and always have bruises all over my legs. I currently have a gnarly bruise just below my knee and a few others either coming in or fading away, I don't keep track. He was not happy to hear this and said the following, (this is funnier if you've heard his voice) "Why don't you wear those...stockings that are so fashionable right now?", i laughed and sighed and fell even more "head over heels" in love with this goofy sweet man o' mine. feel free to puke now, thanks for holding it in till the end.
12 years ago
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