Tuesday, February 24, 2009

my list of grievances...

1.walking through the front yard in heels

2.losing my favorite boots

3.bad hair days

4.missing mr.wild

5.when sawyer is fussy

6.being late for work

7.people complaining about my outfit

8.being the ugly one in pictures


10.the candy jar at work

11.the sound of the fax machine

12.waking up late

13.my earrings get caught on stuff

14.my hair

15.my fat ass



18.being tired


20.my dry, peeling skin

21.when mr.wild tries to pick at my face

22.being a mess

23.having no sense of style (HELP!)

24.not hanging out with my sister as much as I'd like to

25.dropping my phone

26.soggy fries

27.finishing a really good book

28.the way my feet feel after wearing heels all day

29.when mr.wild is grumpy faced

30.my earrings getting in the way when i answer the phone

31.craving bad food

32.waking up disoriented


34.burned soundtracks not playing

35.missing people


37.arguing with mr.wild

38.camo pants (sorry honey)

39.when amaya barks

40.my messy desk(at home, not work)

41.falling asleep during movies

42.ugly days

43.my messy car

44.let down movies

45.over priced shows

a list of things that make me smile tomorrow, k?

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