Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I am lucky, blessed and loved. I've been having a pretty bad week but everyone around me is sending positive vibes, funny text messages and happy thoughts my way. I know I can get through anything with all these people on my side.

I started Grey Gardens last night and 5 minutes in I was completely head over heels in love with Little Edie. She was such an interesting woman and please, someone get me a dialect coach so I can talk like her all the time. Please and Thank you.

Michael is working two jobs now, I am not adjusting well but atleast I am being honest about it right? Poor thing will call me on his breaks and I usually am in tears. Did I mention I am pmsing? Blame it all on that.

I am really, really loving these ladies and their fashion mullets.

Seriously though, wish I could pull that hair off.

Someone is singing in my office, I don't know who but it's drowned out, I wonder if it's coming from the bathroom. Drop a bomb, sing a song?

May or may not be crying from that last statment.

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