Thursday, November 20, 2008

Christmas is fast approaching and the excitement I feel is getting more and more out of control with every house in my neighborhood that puts up their lights early. To make matters even worse I know have a seriously amazing job that allows me to spoil the shit out of everyone I love and a brand new nephew to love and a Bunny coming to visit. I might just throw up all over myself if anything else happens. I am pretty sure I want to make Christmas cards and I am going to be diving head first into every single Christmas activity Las Vegas has to offer. There is a Christmas Parade in Boulder City and the live Nativity and my church will be celebrating 35 years of Christmas. Oh Em Gee!

Also, this year I will be going to Disneyland with my BFF

I've never been during the holidays and I cannot wait. Its going to be AWESOME.
Oh, that did it. Excitement overload.

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