Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's not Valentines day but...

Thank you for...

1.Tickling my back without me having to ask
2.Letting me listen to my music even if we are in your car
3.Putting up with me saying some very mean things to you sometimes
4.Rubbing my feet
5.Laughing at all my jokes whether they are funny or not
6.Liking my friends
7.Loving my cat
8.Not judging me when I meSs up our dinners or throw fits or dont make any sense
9.Putting up with my sometimes insane and very gassy mother
10.Standing outside in the cold for an hour while I was passed out inside my warm house
11.Letting me love you
12. Not being afraid to hold my hand on our first date
13.Letting me kiss your dimples
14.Having a big heart
15.Being passionate about music, whether its yours or someone else.
16.Not being afraid to admit when you are wrong
17.Letting me rename your kitten
18.All the times I fell asleep while you were in the middle of telling me stories
19.Letting me hold the remote
20.Being my man

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